Saturday, April 17, 2010

About the Links..

The saGe Wandera

a fresh new project on the go, i started a journal style presentation of my many adventures and challenges while backpacking across Canada. not many posts up yet, i'm covering the most recent journey first. then i will venture back in time through memories and photographs to share them here.

Homeless By Choice

this blog is written by a man named Glenn Campbell, an avid adventurist and outdoor sleeper. he shares an amazingly detailed blog about his experiences and shares them here with photos and map images to help his descriptions. if you are homeless in the US you may find this blog especially useful!

Survival Guide to Homelessness

i had this big idea to start a blog regarding the art of homelessness. i decided to run a google search to see if anyone had done just that, and this was the first one i found. everyone does it different. the guy who wrote this blog is writing from the perspective of a working car dweller. i have no experience living in a vehicle but it does interest me to some day convert a van into a mobile living space. i find this blog very informative and spirited, i loved reading every word of it.

The Homeless Guy

this blog is just awesome.. lots of info, news, videos and it's well kept. still digging through it! he shares many many stories and experience of life on the outside. highly recommended read!


i went into a little detail about couch surfing in my post about finding shelter. it's an amazing resource, a huge network of couch hosts and travelers united to provide one another with a free couch to sleep on, and some real life experience in the town or country you are visiting. there are millions of users registered, all users are rated by other users, and it's about as safe as an interweb networking site could possibly be.

WWOOFing: Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms

WWOOFing is an absolutely amazing thing. it gives more affordable options for travel, learning and living abroad. check out the main link, to see where in the world you could find yourself farming. see my jobs and moneymaking post for further words about the WWOOF.

Jacki Rosen: Shopping

just a wake-up call on the world's food spending habits. definitely an eye opener.

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